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It is composite because it has more than 2 factors

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Q: Is 100 pime or composite
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What is the rule for pime and composite?

If it has two factors, it's prime. If it has more than two, it's composite.

Is 12 a composite or pime?

Composite. All positive, whole numbers greater than two and ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 are composite.

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Composite. All positive, whole numbers greater than two and ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 are composite.

Is 53 composite number?

No because 53 is a pime number having only two factors which are itself and one.

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Is 100 a prime composite?

100 is composite.

What is 100 a prime number or composite?

100 is composite.

What are the pime factors of 14?

2 & 7 are the pime factors of 14.

What is the greatest composite number 100?

The greatest composite number under 100 is 99. The greatest composite factor of 100 is 100.

What number is 100 prime or composite?

100 is a composite Number.