No, it is not near a perfect number. The first four known perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496 and 8,128.
a number when all the proper factors added up equals 1 less then your number
24 is not a perfect number as its factors (excluding 24) are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 which add to give 36 not 24. However, 28 is a perfect number as its factors (excluding 28) are: 1, 2, 4, 7 and 14 which add to give 28.
Near mint means about 90% perfect condition, and about 10% unperfect. Near mint can appear on most things(usually things people are trying to sell) so if you see near mint, it means it is about perfect as the item is claimed to be. NOTE: "Mint" means perfect, "Near Mint" means almost perfect.
There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.
Yes it is. 6 is the first perfect number, 28 is the second perfect number.
No, it is not near a perfect number. The first four known perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496 and 8,128.
No, it is not.
an example of a near perfect number is 2, 4 or 16.-these are near-perfect numbers because their factors add up to one less than the number itself.
No, it is not: nowhere near!
22 is not a perfect number but 6, 28, 496 and 8128 are perfect numbers.
They are numbers that are NEAR PERFECT. a near perfect number is when its factors (exept the actual number) are added up and ALMOST equal the number ex. 16x1/2x8/4x4/ so its factors are 1,2,4,8 and 16 so add them ( exept the actual number) 1+2+4+8=15 so its NEAR PERFECT and a perfect number is a number that all its factors equal to its number ex. 6-1,2,3,6 are its factors all together-1+2+3=6 those are NEAR PERFECT and PERFECT numbers
No, it is not.
6 and 28 are perfect numbers less than 50.
Yes, it is.
There are 24 perfect squares between 50 and 1000.
The only perfect number between 20 and 50 is 28.