A complex number z has two parts - a real part and an imaginary part - and is of the form:
z := x + iy
x and y are real numbers
i represents √-1, that is i2 = -1.
("x" is the real part, "iy" is the imaginary part)
As x and y are real numbers, they can be any real number including 0.
If x = 0, the resulting complex number z is of the form "iy" and is totally imaginary;
if y = 0, the resulting complex number z is of the form "x" and is totally real.
Thus real numbers are a subset of complex numbers, that is every real number is a complex number, but not every complex number is a real number.
No. A complex number consists of a real part and a imaginary part. If the real part equals zero, there is only the imaginary left and you could therefor argue that it is an imaginary number (or else it would still be a complex number -with a real part=0)
One is a complex number and a real number.
"a + bi" is a common way to write a complex number. Here, "a" and "b" are real numbers.Another common way to write a complex number is in polar coordinates - basically specifying the distance from zero, and an angle.
No. All Complex Numbers are of the form a + bi where a and b are Real Numbers and i is the square root of -1. So only ones where a = 0 are pure Imaginary Numbers.
Graphically, the conjugate of a complex number is its reflection on the real axis.
Yes. Every integer is a rational number. Every rational number is a real number. Every real number is a complex number. The complex numbers include all real numbers and all real numbers multiplied by the imaginary number i=sqrt(-1) and all the sums of these.
A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the principal square root of -1. In the special case where b=0, a+0i=a. Hence every real number is also a complex number. And in the special case where a=0, we call those numbers pure imaginary numbers. Note that 0=0+0i, therefore 0 is both a real number and a pure imaginary number. Do not confuse the complex numbers with the pure imaginary numbers. Every real number is a complex number and every pure imaginary number is a complex number also.
No. There are complex numbers and quaternions which are not real numbers.
Yes! Every complex number z is a number, z = x + iy with x and y belonging to the field of real numbers. The real number x is called the real part and the real number y that accompanies i and called the imaginary part. The set of real numbers is formed by the meeting of the sets of rational numbers with all the irrational, thus taking only the complex numbers with zero imaginary part we have the set of real numbers, so then we have that for any irrational r is r real and complex number z = r + i0 = r and we r so complex number. So every irrational number is complex.
Yes. If the number is like, for example, 3+0i, then you'll figure out that the number, though is written as a complex number, is actually a real number 'cause 0i=0 and 3+0=3 so you have both real and complex number. Every number is a complex number, no matter if it's imaginary or real or a combination of both (a+bi).
No. A complex number consists of a real part and a imaginary part. If the real part equals zero, there is only the imaginary left and you could therefor argue that it is an imaginary number (or else it would still be a complex number -with a real part=0)
No. For example the number 1+i. Pure imaginary complex numbers are of the form 0 + a*i, where a is a non-zero real number.
Yes they do, complex conjugate only flips the sign of the imaginary part.
One is a complex number and a real number.
The only real (or complex) number which does not have a multiplicative inverse is 0. There is nothing you can multiply by 0 to get 1.
"a + bi" is a common way to write a complex number. Here, "a" and "b" are real numbers.Another common way to write a complex number is in polar coordinates - basically specifying the distance from zero, and an angle.
The short answer is "Nothing". In the complex domain, the number of nth roots of any real number is n. Every non-negative real number has 2 square roots. Every real number has 3 cube roots. Every non-negative real number has 2 real square roots and 2 imaginary ones. and so on. So what?