Usually the symbol ≥ is used to represent the words "greater than or equal to." ____ The greater than symbol is > and the equal to sign is =. The less than symbol is <.
greater than
greater than
if the value above the line of the fraction is greater than or equal to the value below the lin, then the fraction is equal to or greater than 1 whole.
>= is the comparison operator that means greater than or equal to.
>= is the comparison operator that means greater than or equal to.
A strict inequality. The word "strict" is used to distinguish these from "greater than or equal to" and"less than or equal to".
It is an inequality.
If there is an equal sign, it is called an equation; if there is a less-than, a less-than-or-equal, a greater-than, or a greater-than-or-equal sign, an inequality; if there is none of these, an expression.
"X" is greater than or equal to infinity times negative one and less than or equal to infinity.
If a is not less than b then a is greater than or equal to b. The symbol for "greater than or equal to " is > with a bar under it -- a combination of the equal sign (=) and the greater than sign (>). In many computer languages you can use >= with no space between for this relation.
Symbols= greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=)
You can use the Not function or the <> operator, which is the < and the > beside each other. To see if the values in A1 and A2 are not equal to each other, you can type: =A1<>A2 or =Not(A1=A2) In each case they will either give you TRUE if they are not equal or FALSE if they are equal, in the cell that you enter the formula into.