Dont know what your on about love .
Not necessarily.
Neither.For any whole number there is a real number which is bigger and for any real number there is a whole number which is bigger.
The whole number of 25 is bigger than the decimal number 0f 0.39
30AA is bigger, the larger then number the bigger the bra
if you add it to the back the number would get bigger and if you add it to the front it would stay the same
Not necessarily.
-- To add one fifth to a number, add 0.2 to it. -- To find a new number that is one fifth bigger than the original number, multiply the original number by 1.2 .
I don't think that there is a number bigger than its square as you are timesing the number Not true. Any number between 0 and 1 is bigger than its square.
if you want to subtract a bigger number from a smaller one, first subtract smaller number from bigger one add negative sign in front of answer you got
One way I can think of is if you add the mighty zero to any number, the number's size increases. For example from 1, to 10. Add more than 1 to get an even bigger number.
Answer: Anything bigger than 0.66recurring Answer: Add any positive number to 2/3, and you get a number that is bigger than 2/3.
No, you can add another 0 to the end and get a bigger number. You can keep doing this. That is why there is no biggest number.
There is no highest number. You can take any number and add one and get a bigger number.
No. ( 1021 + 1 ) is bigger. There's no such thing as the biggest number. Whatever number you name, no matter how big it is, I can always add ' 1 ' to it and make a bigger number.
If the negative number is bigger then the answer will be negative If the bigger number is positive then the answer will be positive. All you do is subtract the two numbers and take the sign of the bigger number Ex (+2)+(-7)=(-5)