There is no such number since you cannot list every non-zero number!
Two - if you add two vectors of equal magnitude but in opposite directions, the resultant vector is zero.
Any non-zero number divided by itself is equal to one.
Divide a non-zero integer by a non-zero integer.
It is a non-zero integer.
If you add, subtract or multiply rational numbers, the result will be a rational number. It will also be so if you divide by a non-zero rational number. But division by zero is not defined.
When a rational numbers is divided by an irrational number, the answer is irrational for every non-zero rational number.
There is no such number since you cannot list every non-zero number!
Two - if you add two vectors of equal magnitude but in opposite directions, the resultant vector is zero.
Anything raised to the power of zero is zero !
The two factors of every non-zero number are 1 and the number itself.
Any non-zero number divided by itself is equal to one.
Divide a non-zero integer by a non-zero integer.
It is any non-zero number.
It is a non-zero integer.
If there are no non-zero digits, the value is zero.