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Q: Is the difference of two whole number always a whole number?
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Is the difference of 2 whole numbers always a whole number?

Yes, the difference of two whole numbers is always a whole number.

The difference between two whole numbers is always a whole number?


The difference of two integers is always an integer?

Yes, the difference between two integers is always a whole number.

Is the difference between whole numbers always a whole number?

Difference of two whole number is not always a whole number.For any two whole numbers a & b, a - b = whole number only when a is greater than or equal to b.* * * * *Wrong!Even if a is less than b, the difference is still a whole number. Whole numbers can be negative.So the correct answer to the question is "YES".

Is the difference of two whole numbers always a whole number?

No. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.

Why is the difference of two rational numbers always a whole number?

The question cannot be answered because it is nonsensical. The difference between two rational numbers is very very rarely a whole number.

Is the difference between two integers always a positive whole number?

No example 1-2=-1

Why are different whole numbers not always a whole number?

Different whole numbers are always whole numbers, but I suspect you meant to ask about the difference between whole numbers. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.

The product of two whole numbers is always whole number?

Yes always

The difference of two even number is always an even number?

Yes, the difference between two even numbers is always an even number.

When two whole numbers are subtracted does it affect the difference?

When you subtract one number from another, the result is called the difference. What does your question mean? If by "when two whole numbers are subtracted" you mean that you subtract one whole number from the minuend, and then you subtract another whole number from the difference, then the answer you get is another difference. In effect, you have one minuend and two subtrahends.

Are two whole numbers added always a whole number?

Yes, any two whole numbers added together will equal a whole number.