A whole number does not include a fraction or decimal part. For example, 3, 107, -9 and zero are whole numbers. 2.1, -17,4528765 and two-and-a-half are not whole numbers.
The difference between the greatest and least number is the range.
Yah it's a whole number... Because according to the definition of whole number. Whole numbers are those numbers who lies between 0 to infinity. And if we observe the number line. 0.9 will be between 0-1 so.. It's a Whole number....
No. It is a decimal value. It lies between the whole numbers 0 and 1. There are no integers between those two, thus 0.9812 is not a whole number.
You can't change a whole number to a decimal. A decimal and a whole number are both numbers. A decimal is just a number lower than a whole number, or a number in between two whole numbers.
It is replacing the number by the whole number such that the difference between the number and that whole number is the smallest that it can be.
0.3 is not a whole number and 3.0 is a whole number
an integer is a whole number
A question about "the difference between" requires two objects!
There is no difference.
There are no differences.
The difference is that all whole numbers are decimal numbers, but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers. For example a whole number such as 1 is a decimal number but a decimal number such as 1.5 is not a whole number.
Yes, it is.
A whole number series starts from zero with 1 digit difference, but a natural number series starts from 1 with 1 digit difference. for eg.- 5 is a natural number as well as a whole number. But zero is just a whole number and not a natural number.