50th or Fiftieth Ordinal numbers are just numbers that identify the order of things: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth), etc.
third month
It is 43rd or forty-third.
I do not how
It is the ordinal number associated with the cardinal 3.
Ordinal is to cardinal as fiftieth is to fifty. Ordinal numbers deal with the order (first, second, third, et cetera) while cardinal numbers are those used indicate quantity (one, two three, et cetera).
Ordinal numbers suggest order such as first, second, third etc. Cardinal numbers are counting numbers. One, two, three, etc.
Cardinal numbers are one, two, three, four, ... Ordinal numbers are first, second, third, fourth, ...
Integers (whole numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, etc.) are also known as "cardinal" numbers. This is to distinguish them from "ordinal" numbers (first, second third, fifteenth, sixteenth etc.
The cardinal numbers are the common numerals : one, two, three, four.The ordinal numbers are the positional names: first, second, third, fourth.(see the related question)
It is the value of integers, rather than their position. For example, the first three cardinal numbers are: ONE, TWO and THREE. Their ordinal counterparts are: FIRST, SECOND and THIRD.
The major quantitative adjectives are the cardinal and ordinal numbers: one, two, three, .... and first, second, third, ... respectively.
An ordinal number shows a relative position, e.g., first, second, third, fourth, etc. In a sentence, ordinal numbers are used in the pattern The + Ordinal + Noun. For example, the first book of the series is about verbs.
Ordinal numbers represent placement. First, second, third and so on.
first second third fourth fifth ... As a rule you add the suffix 'th' to a cardinal to get an ordinal,but 1,2, and 3 are special and there are some spelling changes: fifth and twelfth , fiftieth,etc.