Yes - any number that can be expressed as a fraction (or ratio) is a rational number, even if that number is negative. Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, -0.96 is equal to -24/25 or negative twenty-four twenty-fifths.
A whole number combined with a proper fraction
6.32 is a rational number. Expressed as a top-heavy fraction in its simplest form, 6.32 is equal to 158/25 or one hundred and fifty-eight twenty-fifths.
To compare 0.6 and three fifths, we can convert three fifths to a decimal. Three fifths is equal to 0.6, so they are equal in value. Therefore, 0.6 is not bigger than three fifths; they are the same.
The decimal version of three fifths is .6 (six tenths is the same as three fifths).
It is a rational number.
To my knowlage yes it very much is a rational number :D I sounded smart xD
Three Fifths is not a whole number it's only 60% of a whole.
4/5 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.
The decimal number for six and twenty-three twenty-fifths is 6.92
Three-fifths is a fraction and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 0.
Yes, 7.8 is a rational number. Expressed as a top-heavy fraction, it is equal to 39/5 or thirty-nine fifths.