Thirty-nine is NOT a prime number. It is composite.
Twenty nine million
No, it is not a prime number because it can be divided by 9 to get 3. A prime number is only divisible by itself and one.
three billion, nine hundred twenty-five million, twelve thousand, three hundred twenty-nine and twenty-four hundredths.
Two and nine are prime numbers. Two is the only even prime number.
It is divisible without remainder by 1 and itself, and no other positive integer. That is the definition of a prime number.
104,729 (one hundred four thousand, seven hundred twenty nine) is the 10,000th prime number.
29 is a prime number, and 60 has many numbers. the closest you'll get is 58.
twenty three and twenty nine!! :)
21 is not a prime number.
The number twenty nine in Maori is "tekau mā iwa."
Thirty-nine is NOT a prime number. It is composite.
9 is not a prime number
Yes it is a prime because the only thing that goes into it is itself and one!
Neither nine nor sixteen are prime numbers. They are relatively prime to each other.
That number is uttered as "twenty-nine thousandths".