Yes because composite numbers are numbers with more than 2 factors
Using prime factorization, there are 2 three digit numbers with 9 factors: 512 and 768. There are no three digit numbers with 10 or more prime factors. 512=2^9 and 768=3*2^8
Some even numbers have more factors than some odd numbers and some odd numbers have more factors than some even numbers. As a group, even numbers have more factors than odd numbers.
Some even numbers have more factors than some odd numbers and some odd numbers have more factors than some even numbers. As a group, even numbers have more factors than odd numbers.
Squares of prime numbers have exactly three factors.
Composite numbers have three or more factors.
Prime numbers have two and only two factors. Composite numbers have three or more.
Prime numbers have two and only two factors. Composite numbers have three or more.
Yes because composite numbers are numbers with more than 2 factors
Composite numbers have three or more factors.
Squares of prime numbers have only three factors.
The purpose of composite numbers is a number that has three or more factors.
They don't. 21 has two prime factors. 42 has three prime factors.
No, composite numbers are the numbers having more than three factors
All composite numbers have more than two factors. The smallest such number is 4, which is equal to 2 x 2. 4 has three factors: 1, 2, and 4.
Using prime factorization, there are 2 three digit numbers with 9 factors: 512 and 768. There are no three digit numbers with 10 or more prime factors. 512=2^9 and 768=3*2^8
Some even numbers have more factors than some odd numbers and some odd numbers have more factors than some even numbers. As a group, even numbers have more factors than odd numbers.