Numbers that have only 2 factors are prime numbers
A number will always have 1 and itself as factors. And thus the only numbers with 2 factors will be prime numbers. The only prime numbers below 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19, and thus these are the only numbers below 20 that have 2 factors.
Prime numbers have only two factors.
If they are prime numbers only 2 factors but if they are composite number they will have more than 2 factors
Prime numbers have exactly two factors.All prime numbers have only 2 factors whereas composite numbers have more than 2 factors
Numbers that have only 2 factors are prime numbers
Numbers having only 2 factors are prime numbers. Their only factors are 1 and themselves. Prime numbers. The only two factors should be 1 and itself.
A number will always have 1 and itself as factors. And thus the only numbers with 2 factors will be prime numbers. The only prime numbers below 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19, and thus these are the only numbers below 20 that have 2 factors.
Prime numbers have only two factors.
The only number that has 2 factors is the number 2.
If they are prime numbers only 2 factors but if they are composite number they will have more than 2 factors
Prime numbers have exactly two factors.All prime numbers have only 2 factors whereas composite numbers have more than 2 factors
Prime numbers have only 2 factors while composite numbers have more than 2 factors
Prime numbers have only two factors.
All prime numbers have only 2 factors. A prime number has 1 and itself as its only factors.
Any prime number, a prime number is a number of which the only factors are it and itself.