The odd prime factor of 56 is: 7
The only odd prime factor of 56 is: 7
Just the one which is 7
Yes, the factors of all odd numbers are odd numbers.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors, but beyond that, any odd number can be a factor.
56 = 2^3*7 so the only odd factors (apart of 1) is 7.
The odd prime factor of 56 is: 7
The only odd prime factor of 56 is: 7
1 and 7. 7 is prime.
1 and 7
There is only one odd prime factor in 56, which is 7.
There is only 1 prime factor of 56 and it is 7.
Just the one which is 7
25 + 56 = 81 81 = odd number
56 is an even number. The last digit determines if it is odd or even.
There is no set of odd numbers whose product is 56 since the latter is even.