Sure thing, honey. When ordering decimals from greatest to least, you start by looking at the whole numbers before the decimal point. If they're the same, you move on to the tenths place, then the hundredths place, and so on. It's like lining up your ducks in a row, but with numbers. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Real numbers are compared by distance from zero That means converting numbers to decimals to determine which number is greater and putting these decimals in order from least to greatest or ordering the corresponding real numbers. I posted a link as an example.
Alright, listen up. To order decimals from least to greatest, you simply look at the digits to the left of the decimal point first. If they're the same, move on to the next digit to the right until you find the difference. Don't overcomplicate it, just follow the numbers and you'll be golden.
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
-1, .102, .12, 1.02
convert fractions to decimal then just compare them,and then put them in order!:)
Well you first have to look at the decimals and see which one is the least then get to the greatest
Comparing and ordering whole numbers and decimals involves examining the numerical values of each number to determine their relative magnitude. When comparing whole numbers or decimals, you are essentially looking at which number is greater, lesser, or if they are equal. Ordering involves arranging the numbers in a sequence from least to greatest or greatest to least based on their numerical values. This process is essential for understanding numerical relationships and making informed decisions in various mathematical contexts.
Here are the decimals in order from least to greatest: 8.037, 8.07, 8.307, 8.9
You determine the least to greatest in decimals by using their leftmost unit. The decimal 0.2 is less than 0.3. To determine fractions, you need to first convert them to decimals.
Convert all the rational numbers to order into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then they can be ordered by putting the numerators in order from least to greatest. ------------ You can also convert all the numbers to decimals ... this is actually a special case of "equivalent fractions".
Real numbers are compared by distance from zero That means converting numbers to decimals to determine which number is greater and putting these decimals in order from least to greatest or ordering the corresponding real numbers. I posted a link as an example.
Convert them to decimals.
Alright, listen up. To order decimals from least to greatest, you simply look at the digits to the left of the decimal point first. If they're the same, move on to the next digit to the right until you find the difference. Don't overcomplicate it, just follow the numbers and you'll be golden.
Oh, dude, ordering decimals is like ordering a sandwich, but with numbers. So, you start by looking at the biggest part of the number, which is the whole number part. In this case, 13 is the biggest whole number. Then you move on to the decimal part, and you just compare the numbers after the decimal point. So, the order would be 13,351; 12,353; 1,235; and 13.
Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.
least to greatest if your talking about a time line