It is 4/8.
A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction. It tells how many equal parts make up the whole. It also names the fraction, such as "half", "thirds", "fourth", etc. For example: 1/4 - 4 is the denominator and the name of the fraction, one fourth or one quarter. The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. For example, if 3/4 was your fraction, the 4 would be your denominator.
The one where the numerator is more than half of the denominator.
The denominator can be any even integer. In the equivalent fraction, the numerator would be 129 times half that integer.
If a fraction is equivalent to one-half then the numerator is always half the denominator. Or, the double the numerator is the denominator. So, given any other fraction, p/q, if 2p < q then the fraction < 1/2 if 2p = q then the fraction = 1/2 if 2p > q then the fraction > 1/2
It is 4/8.
The denominator would definitely be around the number 43.
three sixths
The denominator is double the numerator.
If two times the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is less than half. If two times the numerator is equal to the denominator, the fraction is equal to a half. If two times the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is greater than half.
The denominator must be double the numerator.
anything that's not the denominator divided by two
1/2 can be equal to 3/6 because in both cases, the fractions equal 50%, or half of 1. No matter what the fraction's denominator (The bottom number) is, as long as the Numerator (The top number) is exactly half of the denominator, the fraction will be equal to 1/2.
Expressed as a fraction with the denominator 6, 1/2 is equal to 3/6 or three sixths.