A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction. It tells how many equal parts make up the whole. It also names the fraction, such as "half", "thirds", "fourth", etc.
For example:
1/4 - 4 is the denominator and the name of the fraction, one fourth or one quarter.
The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. For example, if 3/4 was your fraction, the 4 would be your denominator.
The same numerator as which numerator and the same denominator as which denominator?
You multiply the numerator and the denominator by the "conjugate" of the denominator. For example, if the denominator is root(2) + root(3), you multiply top and bottom by root(2) - root(3). This will eliminate the roots in the denonimator.
the denominator
With a denominator of 100, 6% = 6/100
A common denominator is needed when adding or subtracting fractions of different denominators.
A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.
A Denominator. no problemo...The denominator.
Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
Like denominator is the same denominator as the nonzero numbers.
multiply denominator by denominator and vice versa
The denominator - before simplification.The denominator - before simplification.The denominator - before simplification.The denominator - before simplification.
zero can not be a denominator.
You Ned to find a larger common denominator or multiply the denominators to gain a common denominator.
Either: when given a fraction with a surd as the denominator, rationalising the denominator; Or, when given a fraction with a complex denominator, to make the denominator real.
The least denominator is 1.
Denominator of 117 is 1
YES a fraction can be a denominator.