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Q: Program to convert hex to decimal in 8085?
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Convert hex to decimal?

Yes, it can be done.

How do you write a program in 8085?

Either in Assembly or in some high level language/the hex-code (for the mnemonics) that the microprocessor 8085 generally understands.

Why is it more difficult to convert decimal to hexadecimal?

As compared to converting decimal into what other base! It is no more difficult to convert decimal into base 8 than decimal into binary or Hex.

Write a program to convert decimal numberto hexadecimal number?

One way to accomplish this is to allow the printf statement to do the work for you. Example: printf("Decimal %d = hex %02x\n", number, number); Or you could use the windows calculator. Select the Dec radian, type your number in, then select Hex radian.

What does one use a hex converter for?

A hex converter is used to convert hexadecimal numbers to binary or decimal numbers, which is necessary for programming or studying computer science. Hex converters are usually online tools that will automatically convert the numbers for you quickly and easily.

What is -3 in hex?

3 in decimal is also 3 in hex so -3 in decimal is -3 in hex as well.

What is the hexadecimal operation of D plus 7?

Decimal counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Hex counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F Hex "D" is = to Decimal 13 Hex "7" is = to Decimal 07 Thus Hex "D" + Hex "7" = Hex "14" or to Decimal 20

What is the C program to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal number?

To input a decimal number and display in hex, something like: char buffer[99]; fgets(buffer, 98, stdin); printf("%x", aoti(buffer)); would be the required core code. Needless to say, there is no error checking, mug trapping, etc. Or if you require the hex in a char[], then replace "printf(" by "sprintf(pointer_to_bufffer,"

What is decimal 112 in hex?

112 = 70 hex

What is 1101 1001 in decimal and hex?

In HEX, 1101 1001 is D9. Translated to decimal, that equals 217.

What is the sum of the binary addition 1010 plus 1101?

The person above answered by converting to decimal. Since our normal algebraic rules are designed for base-10 (ever try dividing in hex?) I suggest using the Calc program in Windows. Start the program, and in View, change the mode to Scientific. You will see one box called "Dec" selected. That is decimal notation. There is Hex for hexadecimal and Bin for binary. Click Bin, type in 1010, click +, type 1101, and press enter. FYI, if you now click Dec you will instantly convert the answer (10111) to decimal (23.)

78923 in decimal is what in hex?

78923 in decimal is 1344B in hex (thats the letter B at the end, not an 8 (eight))