15.75 rounded to the nearest integer is 16
To find out what 3/16 is as a percentage, calculate 3 divided by 16, and your result will be 0.1875. If necessary, you may round the number to the nearest tenth (0.2), hundredth (0.19) or thousandth (0.188).
It is 15.7
Hundredth of a million is 1000. This figure rounded to the nearest thousand is 16,284,000
5/16 = 0.3125Rounded to the nearest thousandth . . . 0.313Rounded to the nearest hundredth . . . 0.31Rounded to the nearest tenth . . . 0.3Rounded to the nearest whole number . . . zero
16 rounds to:0 to the nearest hundred20 to the nearest ten
3 1/16 rounded to nearesr half inch i2 3
To the nearest integer, 16
12/16 rounded to the nearest half is 1.
It is: 16
1.371 feet is 16 inches. (to the nearest)
15.75 rounded to the nearest integer is 16
To the nearest whole number, 16