1009 is a prime number
131,133,137, 139
The only prime between 8 and 12 is 11.To find out if a number is prime, just try dividing it by all prime numbers between 2 and that number (including 2). The easiest method to do this is to write all numbers from 2 to your number down. Then cross out all numbers divisible by 2. Now cross out all numbers divisible by the next lowest number that is not crossed out (which is 3). Repeat this last step (the next number should be 5, then 7, then 11) until you reach your number, or you cross it out. If you have crossed it out, it is not a prime number, and if it has not been crossed out it is a prime number.
41 43 47
1009 is a prime number
211 is the only prime number between 200 and 220
All prime numbers are odd except for 2 which is the only even prime number
131,133,137, 139
173 179.
The only prime between 8 and 12 is 11.To find out if a number is prime, just try dividing it by all prime numbers between 2 and that number (including 2). The easiest method to do this is to write all numbers from 2 to your number down. Then cross out all numbers divisible by 2. Now cross out all numbers divisible by the next lowest number that is not crossed out (which is 3). Repeat this last step (the next number should be 5, then 7, then 11) until you reach your number, or you cross it out. If you have crossed it out, it is not a prime number, and if it has not been crossed out it is a prime number.
41 43 47
All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers. These are known as prime factors. The set of prime factors is a subset of the set of factors for any given number.
All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers, some are not.
To be relatively prime requires another number, and the highest common factor between 17 and that number must be 1. 17 is relatively prime to all numbers which are not multiples of 17 (since 17 is a prime number).