Fractions with the same numerator are called like fractions
Fractions that are greater than one are known as improper or 'top-heavy' fractions as the numerator is greater than the denominator.
That it is equal to 1/1 which is 1
They add to the denominator!
Divide the numerator by the denominator. Example: Change 1/2 to decimal: = 1 ÷2 = 0.5
Fractions with the same numerator are called like fractions
How would we do it well remember a unit fraction always has one as a numerator. So 2/3 would be 1/3 plus 1/3. These are the unit fractions. It's got a 1 is a numerator all right 5/6 would be a 1 6.
These fractions are called proper fractions.
improper fractions
Fractions will always equal 1 when their numerator is the same as their denominator
The numerator and the denominator.
1. Proper Fractions where the numerator is less than denominator. 2. Improper Fractions or top-heavy fractions where the numerator is greater than denominator.
Fractions that are greater than one are known as improper or 'top-heavy' fractions as the numerator is greater than the denominator.
These are called improper fractions. For example 3/2.
All of them have a numerator of 1.
Yes they do
The numberator does not have to be less than or equal to the denominator in a fraction.If the numerator is less than the denominator, it is a "proper" fraction.If the numerator is equal to the denominator, it is the integer 1.But the numerator can be bigger than the denominator, and it is then called an improper fraction.