Fractions with the same numerator are called like fractions
Only if the numerator is zero,
They are called like fractions.In order to add or subtract fractions you will usually need to convert them to like fractions. Then you simply add or subtract the numerators (as required) to form the numerator of the answer. The same (or common) denominator is the denominator of the answer. You may need to simplify the resulting fraction.
The smaller fraction has the smaller numerator.
A unit fraction is a rational number written as a fraction where the numerator is one and the denominator is a positive integer. A unit fraction is therefore the reciprocal of a positive integer, 1/n.
if they have the same denominator just subtract it . if it doesn't than find the denominator.
Yes, but the numerator is different,same as adding fractions
These fractions are called proper fractions.
if it has a denominator
Numerator, Denominator or Denominator, Numerator.
The same numerator or the same denominator.
You do them the same way as you "do" other fractions.
If the numerator is the same, the fraction with the largest denominator has the lowest value (assuming all fractions are positive numbers).
Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number or divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number
improper fractions
Only if the numerator is zero,
you subtract the numerator but the denominator stays the same.
Fractions will always equal 1 when their numerator is the same as their denominator