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Maximum constituent is nitrogen, by 78%. Then comes oxygen by 21%. Remaining 1% will be Argon(0.9%), carbondioxide(0.03%), water vapour, hydrogen, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, neon, helium, krypton and even xenon
The answer depends on what the question is about. Some possible valid questions concern the fraction of solar radiation which:falls on the earth (as opposed to going in other directions)is blocked by the earth's magnetic fieldis blocked by the ozone layeris reflected by cloudsis absorbed by the atmosphereis reflected by the surfaceis absorbed by the surfaceis useful to plantsis in wavelengths shorter than ultra violet (UV)is in the UV rangeis in the visible rangeis in the infra red (IR) rangeis in wavelengths longer than IR.There are plenty more. I suggest that you spend just a little bit of time considering your question before posting it.
Please see the link below for specific answers. They do not contain ozone. Some of those chemcials are suitable for human consumption.
See the "Related questions" section below for answers to your two questions.
Some answers from Daffynition Decoder: Romantic: an italian insect (Roman tick) American: a happy container (merry can) Warehouse - what you say when lost (where house) Explain - not scrambled or fried (eggs plain) Ozone - Mistletoe - Lumberjack - a wooden pancake (flapjack) First Aid instructor - wizard of gauze Quartz watch - looking at milk (quarts) Condense - a dumb criminal (convict) Thousand Dollar Bill - part of an expensive duck Daffodil - a goofy pickle Program - In favor of the metric system Flu Shot - a jab well done A Fourth of July - just under eight days Sleeping Bag - nap sack Twins - womb mates Buckshot - a dollar wasted Europe - your turn to bat Underground Garage - wall to wall carpit Doughnut - crazy banker Coffee - break fluid Meteorite - a space chip Campaign - hurt while camping Royalty - what a queen drinks Prizewinning dog - show arf Mudpie - earth cake Pick for Mountain Climbers - climb ax Information - how navy planes fly Buccaneer - high price for corn Twin - infant replay Carrot Juice - hare tonic Male Surfer - man over board Haunted House - a nervous manor (manner) Suit of Armor - knight gown Centimeter - breath analyzer (scent) Raincoat - thunder wear Pasteurize- too far to see (past your eyes) Will- a dead giveaway Lazy Butcher - meat loafer Rubber Raft - play buoy Corn Salesman - stalk broker --- *From Algebra with Pizzazz Pre-Algebra with Pizzazz Middle School Math with Pizzazz (A to E) Punchline Algebra
UV-C and UV-B, as most of the more energetic wavelengths are gone before the ozone layer. credit goes to ANSWERS
No. The ozone is stratosphere is good ozone. The ozone in troposphere is bad ozone.
The tropospheric ozone is bad ozone. It acts as a pollutant.
Chlorine is the component of CFC refrigerants that is responsible for ozone depletion. When CFCs are released into the atmosphere and reach the stratosphere, they break down under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, releasing chlorine atoms that catalyze the destruction of ozone molecules.
Most of the ozone is found there. The ozone present there is good ozone.
Stratosphere ozone is good ozone. Photo chemical ozone is pollutant.
The ozone depleting substances are interfering with ozone. They destroy the ozone.
Ozone layer is formed of ozone. It is a gas.
Stratospheric ozone forms the ozone layer. Destroying it is ozone depletion.