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Positive numbers go to the right of zero, negative numbers go to the left of zero.

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Q: How are positive and negative numbers placed on a number line?
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What do you call the positive or negative designation placed in front of a number?


Why is 36 above 0 degrees?

In standard mathematical notation, positive numbers are placed on the right side and negative numbers on the left side of the number line. Therefore, 36 is considered above 0 degrees because it is greater than 0.

Explain what opposite numbers are?

They are the numbers that are placed on a number line that are exact same distance away from 0

Can you show me a number line?

I can't physically show you a number line, but I can describe it! A number line is a straight line where numbers are placed at equal intervals. It starts at zero in the middle, with negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right, stretching infinitely in both directions.

How can zero be greater than -1 because zero itself means nothing?

The number 0 (zero) does in fact mean something. Zero is a number just as real as 3 or -4. Consider the integers:{..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}These can be placed on a number line. The greater numbers are found further to the right and the lesser numbers are found further to the left. We find that the value 0 is further to the right than the value -1, so we can conclude that 0 > -1.Finally, zero is a number just like any other. A unique property of 0 is that it is neither positive nor negative. This means that 0 is greater than all negative numbers and less than all positive numbers. Thus, 0 > -1 because 0 is always greater than any negative number.

What is the difference between positive and negative electric fields?

Positive electric fields point away from positive charges and towards negative charges, while negative electric fields point towards positive charges and away from negative charges. In both cases, the direction indicates the direction that a positive test charge would move if placed in that field.

Where are the positive rational number placed on a horizontal number line?

above 0

What is an ambrotype?

An ambrotype is an early type of photograph in which a glass negative appears positive when placed on a black background.

Can the answers of factorials be decimals?

No. Factorials can only be placed on positive whole numbers or 0. For example, 0!, 1!, and 6! are all fine, but 2.5! and (-1)! are not. Since factorials can only be placed on whole numbers, that means you will only be multiplying whole numbers. 100! = 100 * 99 * 98 ... * 1; all those numbers are whole numbers, meaning your answer will be a whole number.

If you place a positive charge next to a negative charge will repel or attract?

A positive charge placed next to a negative charge will attract each other due to the difference in their charges. Positive and negative charges attract each other according to the basic principle of electricity.

What number can be placed between 0.55 and 0.6?

There are infinitely many numbers that can be placed: one such is 0.5500000000005637

Why natural number different from real number?

A natural number is a positive integer. This means that it does not include numbers such as 1.5, 0 or -3 A real number is any number that can be placed on a number line (at a basic level, it can be said that all numbers are real, but when maths starts to get a little more complicated [for example when doing the square root of -1], this is not the case)