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The names for larger numbers, based on the "short scale" where each value is a multiple of 1000:

1,000 X 1 thousand = 1 million (106)
1,000 X 1 million = 1 billion (109)
1,000 X 1 billion = 1 trillion (1012)
1,000 X 1 trillion = 1 quadrillion (1015)
1,000 X 1 quadrillion = 1 quintillion (1018)
1,000 X 1 quintillion = 1 sextillion (1021)
1,000 X 1 sextillion = 1 septillion (1024)
1,000 X 1 septillion = 1 octillion (1027)
1,000 X 1 octillion = 1 nonillion (1030)
1,000 X 1 nonillion = 1 decillion (1033)
1,000 X 1 decillion = 1 undecillion (1036)
1,000 X 1 undecillion = 1 duodecillion (1039)

Other very large numbers are:
One googol = 10100
One googolplex = 10googol
One googolplexian = 10googolplex

Even larger numbers exist. One is called "Graham's Number", which is so large that it could never be written out using ordinary number notations.

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