There are 25 prime numbers less than 100
The total number of prime numbers less than 100 is 25.
There are 2 prime numbers between 25 and 35: 29 31.
Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by themselves and 1. 1 itself is not regarded as a prime number. With the exception of 2, all prime numbers are odd numbers. Applying this gives the following prime numbers less than 25 :- 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19 and 23.
29 and 31.
There are 25 prime numbers less than 100
There are 25 prime numbers less than 100
The total number of prime numbers less than 100 is 25.
There are 2 prime numbers between 25 and 35: 29 31.
There are 25 numbers less than 100 that are prime. One is 17.
Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by themselves and 1. 1 itself is not regarded as a prime number. With the exception of 2, all prime numbers are odd numbers. Applying this gives the following prime numbers less than 25 :- 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19 and 23.
11.1111 repeating
Prime numbers between 10 and 20 are 11, 13 17 and 19. Those between 20 and 25 are 23.
You need to be a bit more precise in your question about such numbers.
29 and 31.