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p/q * r/s = (p*r)/(q*s)

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Q: What are the rules for multiplying rational numbers?
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Related questions

How is multiplying rational numbers like multiplying fractions and multiplying decimals?

Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.

Why are the rules for multiplying and dividing rational numbers the same?

The question has no sensible answer because its proposition is not true. Multiplication is commutative, division is not, so the rules are NOT the same.

How is multiplying and dividing rational numbers similar?

Dividing by a non-zero rational number is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal.

When multiplying and dividing rational numbers how do you know if the answer will be a negative?

It the two rational numbers have different signs, then the answer will be negative, otherwise it will be positive.

How is multiplying and dividing rational numbers similar to multiplying and dividing integers?

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What are the rules for dividing rational numbers are the same as the rules for dividing integers?

The rules are the same.

How are multiplying and dividing rational numbers related?

Dividing by a rational number (other than zero) is simply multiplication by its reciprocal.

Does multiplying rational and irrational numbers lead to an irrational number result?

Yes, but only if the rational number is non-zero.

What is an algorithm for multiplying rational numbers?

The algorithm is A/B * C/D = AB/CD.

Why is the sum and product of two rational numbers is rational?

A rational number can be stated in the form a/b where and b are integers. Adding or multiplying such numbers always gives another number that can be expressed in this form also. So it is also rational.

When would you get a smaller product when multiplying two rational numbers?

The product of two rational numbers, X and Y, is smaller than either of them if both are between 0 and 1.

Is a radius of a circle that has 0.75 centimeters irrational or rational?

If 0.75 is the radius, that's rational. If 0.75 is the diameter, the radius is also rational: multiplying two rational numbers together always gives you a rational number.