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The basic rules of arithmetic and algebra apply in most cases. That is:

Exponentiation is done first

Multiplication and division are done next

Finally, addition and subtraction are done.

If two or more operations with the same priority appear together in the same expression, they're handled in left to right order. Parentheses can be used to override the order of operations; expressions in parens are evaluated first.

For example, 2*4**2 - 8/4 would be evaluated this way:

Do the exponent first: 4**2 = 16. The expression is then 2*16 - 8/4

Next do the multiplication and division: 2*16 = 32 and 8/4 = 2

Do the subtraction last: 32 - 2, or 30.

The only possible difference is in division, IF you're using computer rules for integer operations. Because a fully integer-based expression can only be expressed as another integer, computers perform integer division by truncating any fractional remainder of a quotient. So for example a computer would evaluate 7 / 2 = 3, rather than 3.5. If the numbers were expressed as real numbers the answer would be correct in the algebraic sense, though: 7. / 2. = 3.5

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Q: What are the rules for operations with integers?
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Addition and multiplication are operations on integers that are commutative.

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Part 2

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There are different rules for different operations.

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I am not sure there are any fundamental operations of integers. The fundamental operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. However, the set of integers is not closed with respect to division: that is, the division of one integer by another does not necessarily result in an integer.

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