Fractions that are equivalent to 12/100 are 6/50, 3/25, 24/200, 36/300, etc.
Sure thing, honey! Equivalent fractions to 84 over 100 include 42 over 50, 21 over 25, and even 6 over 7 if you're feeling feisty. Just divide the numerator and denominator by the same number until you can't simplify no more. Math can be a real hoot when you give it some attitude!
50 in decimals is simply 50.00 or in fractions, it is fifty over one.
102 over 50 as a mixed number is: 21/25
1/2 and 5/10
18/25, 360/500
25/4, 50/8, 75/12
9/25, 18/50
24/25, 72/75
Could you word your question a bit more clearly? Are they two separate fractions being multiplied together like: (25/33)*(11/50) or is it a fraction within a fraction like: 25/((33*11)/50) or (25/(33*11))/50? Thanks!
i can find lots of answers 50 100 and 25 50
They are: 50/70 and 5/7
3/10 = 30/100
40/50 and 20/25 and 4/5 are three equivalent fractions.
4/100 = 2/50 or 1/25