50 in decimals is simply 50.00 or in fractions, it is fifty over one.
If you are making use of long division method, the process of dividing a whole number is actually a subset of the process of dividing the decimals. While dividing both you may get a quotient with decimal places. Some exceptions to this do exist in case of whole numbers. Like when you are dividing 100 by 2, the quotient 50 has no decimal places.
They are decimals that have equal value.
You just did ... decimals.
1.5 in decimal is 1.5 or 1.50 either way is right. 1.5 in fraction form is 1 50/100.
You can multiply to numbers with decimals
2 equivalent decimals for 50% = 0.5 and 0.50
50% = 0.50
11/50 = 0.22
50 or 50.0
18.812 and 31.187
It is 50 decimals.
Percents ca n be co nverted to decimals a nd fractio ns. Example: 50% = 0.5 = 50/100 or 1/2