3 x 13 = 39
The prime numbers (factors) of 39 are: 3 and 13
29 and 59 are prime numbers.
The prime factors of 39 are 3 and 13.
39 is not prime. Its factors are 3 and 13.
741 results from the following multiplications of two numbers: 1 * 741 (1 is not prime) 3 * 247 (247 is not prime) 13 * 57 (57 is not prime) 19 * 39 (39 is not prime) There are no two prime numbers that when multiplied equal 741. 3 * 13 * 19 equals 741, and all three of those numbers are prime.
3 and 13 13 being a prime number.
3 and 13
They are: 2+37 = 39
They are: 3*13 = 39
39 and 2.
None since its a prime number it's simply 39x1
3 x 13 = 39
3*13 is the prime factorization of 39. If you use non-integers, there are infinite many pairs (or groups) of numbers that multiplied makes 39.
The prime numbers (factors) of 39 are: 3 and 13
29 and 59 are prime numbers.
No 36 & 39 are not prime.