The prime numbers (factors) of 39 are: 3 and 13
39 is the product when the two prime numbers 3 and 13 are multiplied.
39 is not prime. Its factors are 3 and 13.
3 x 13 = 39
13 and 3The prime numbers (factors) of 39 are: 3 and 13
The prime numbers (factors) of 39 are: 3 and 13
No 36 & 39 are not prime.
29 is prime but 39 is composite
23 and 27 are prime numbers whereas 36 and 39 are composite numbers.
13 is a prime number and 39 isint a prime number
39 is the product when the two prime numbers 3 and 13 are multiplied.
No, they are not prime numbers.
3 x 13 = 39
37, yes. 39, no.
39 is not prime. Its factors are 3 and 13.
41 43 and 47 39 and 48 are not prime numbers
3 x 13 = 39