When rounding 13624 to the nearest thousand, you would look at the hundreds place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than or equal to 5, you would round up. Therefore, rounding 13624 to the nearest thousand would give you 14000.
Whole numbers have no decimal numbers after them, so your two choices are 4 or 5. When rounding, decimals below 5 round down and those above 5 round up, so your answer should be 4.
An integer is a whole number. To round you take the number to the right, and if it is 1-4 you round all the numbers to the right of the whole numbers and delete them. If the number is 5-9 you round up. In this case the number beside the integer is 6, which rounds up. 69.65 rounds up to 70.
The short answer is, infinite. With just integers, There are 498 numbers that can round up to 500, and 498 that can round down. If we include partial numbers, there are infinite, since the numbers can get infinitesimally small.
Whole numbers include 235, 236, 237, 238 and 239
The biggest number that can be rounded off to 14,000 is 13,500. When rounding to the nearest thousand, any number greater than or equal to 13,500 would round up to 14,000. Numbers below 13,500 would round down to 13,000.
Round up.
You Round up to the next higher number
If you were told to round two digit numbers to the closest 100, you could round everything from 10-99 to the nearest 100, inclusive of 10 and 99. I.e all two-digit numbers round up to 100. This is because "to the nearest hundred" does not mean "up to 100, or down to zero", since "zero" is not in the "hundred's" catagory. i.e you can only round up to 100.This means you have 89 seperate two-digit number which will round up to 100.
As a general rule, numbers that are halfway round up.
I assume in your question you are asking what happens when a number is in between two whole numbers. E.G 4 and 5 the middle is 4.5 If you wanted to round this up to 1 significant figure or an integer/whole number the rule is that if in the middle you always round up to the highest number. In the case of the example the answer would be 5 if you were to round it up.
Numbers of a value of 5 or more round up and add 1 to the next column. Numbers of value 4 or les are ignored. So...2.30259 becomes2.30262.3032.30
The answer depends on what operation you wish to carry out with the two numbers. If subtraction or division, the I would round both down or both up. If addition or multiplication, then I would round one up and the other down.
Sometimes you round up or round down numbers to get close to the correct answer so that you can make sure that your answer is right. If your answer is not close to the rounding down of the numbers you are using then you need to look it over and do it again.
One talks of numbers being round up or down, for example to two places of decimals.