A whole number does not include a fraction or decimal part. For example, 3, 107, -9 and zero are whole numbers. 2.1, -17,4528765 and two-and-a-half are not whole numbers.
No you write it as a fraction as a fraction =1/2 as a decimal =0.5 as a percentage = 50%
It is 1.125 as a decimal fraction.
0.125 (this also happens to be 1/8 as a fraction)
One third.
Fraction: 25/1000 Decimal: 0.025
5/8 = 0.625
In decimal form it's 0.75
It is 0.5
Assuming that the question can be represented thus: Show the fraction "3/8" in decimal figures. The fraction "1/2" = 0.5 in decimal figures. The fraction "1/4" (or, half of a half) = 0.25 in decimals. "1/8" (or, half of half a half) = 0.125 therefore the answer to the question. 3/8 = (0.125 x 3) = 0.375 I hope this helps you to understand the relationship between fractions and decimals.
What is the difference between a fraction and a decimal? Well it is possible for a fraction changed into a decimal and a decimal changed into a fraction Very true. Though conceptually 2/5 or 4/10 can raise a slightly different picture in the mind than the equivalent 0.4 . The fraction brings out more strongly that 2 in every 5 are being considered, while 0.4 is just a quantity not quite half way on the way from 1 to 10. The nearest that the decimal system approaches the fractional concept is the use of the "percentage" idea.
One half is 1/2 as a fraction and 0.5 as a decimal
One half is 1/2 as a fraction and 0.5 as a decimal
fraction : 124/2 Decimal : 62.5