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Q: What comes after sextuple?
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What comes after Quintruple?


What has 6 of something?

A sextuple.

What comes after quintupled?

In order: single, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple, octuple, nonuple... etc. The prefixes are derived from latin number names.

What is the technical term for a set of six things or a series of six numbers?

HEXAD or sextuple or a sextet

What is a 6 way bypass called?

A 6-vessel CABG is called a sextuple bypass. I only know because a friend just had one.

What is after quadrupling?

Quadruple, four times. Quintuple, five times. From 1 on up the words are single double triple quadruple quintuple sextuple septuple octuple ... and so on

If you have a double triple and a quad what's next?

Next would be a quintuple, which signifies five of something.

It goes single double triple quadripe quantuple sextuple sectuple octuple decuple then what does it continue further and further or is there no answer to this mysterious question? Wikipedia lists 1-12 and then 100.

Which major scale has the most sharps?

That is C-sharp Major, but since the circle of 5ths is a circle, it could go on for infinite, you COULD have C sextuple-sharp major with 42 sharps but it is never necessary to go this far!

What words start with the prefix sext?

Some words that start with the prefix "sext" include sextant (a navigation instrument), sextet (a group of six people or things), and sextuple (to multiply by six).

What comes after quadruple?

The following are the only ones I know of. Single (1) (also: singleton, sole, only, etc.) Double (2) (also: pair, twice) Triple (3) (also: triplet, treble, thrice, threesome, troika, trio) Quadruple (4) Quintuple or Pentuple (5) Sextuple or Hextuple (6) Septuple (7) Octuple (8) Nonuple (9) Decuple (10) Hendecuple or Undecuple (11) Duodecuple (12) Centuple (100)