0.1, 0.25 and 0.674 but note that there are thousands of decimals between 0 to 1.
It is not possible to answer the question because numbers are infinitely dense. You might think that 1.9 comes before 2 but 1.99 is nearer and so has a better claim to being the number before 2. But then 1.999 has an even better claim, and so on. For ever.
Easy .09and .009 * * * * * Clearly not so easy because the above answer is seriously wrong. You add 0 after the number so that equivalent decimals are 0.90, 0.90000 etc.
-1, .102, .12, 1.02
0.84 = (0 x 1) + (8/10) + (4/100)
From least to greatest: 4.103 then 4.13 then 4.1312 then 4.24.103 comes before 4.13 because the second decimal place is 0, which comes before 34.13X comes before 4.1312 because there are no decimal places after the 3 (see X), which is the same as 0 and 0 comes before 1.Any decimal that starts with 4.1 automatically comes before 4.2
0.1, 0.25 and 0.674 but note that there are thousands of decimals between 0 to 1.
Actually, there is an infinite number of decimals between 0 and 1.
The year that comes before 1AD is 1BC. there's no 0 (Zero) AD.
because you can always add a 0 when using decimals
Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.
There is no such number because decimals are infinitely dense. That is, between any two decimals, there are infinitely many decimals.
no all decimals are greater than 0 but not by much
In order from least (smallest) to greatest (largest), you would list these numbers as 0, 1/3, 0.4, 7, 7.5, 8.9, and 9. The reason 1/3 comes before 0.4 is that in decimals, 1/3 equals 0.33.
It is 3. 0 mm or 0. 3 cm or 0. 003 m
To the nearest hundred, it is 0.