The number that comes after 2 is 1.
Speaking in terms of whole numbers, 3 comes after 2 and before 4.
A double (2 strikes in a row) comes before a turkey (3 strikes in a row).
the number 2 in the nuber that comes after 1 and before 3.
wee comes out before poo does. An explanation for this is that we refer to wee as number 1 and poo as number 2. 1 comes before 2 therefore giving you an explanation. It isn't abnormal if poo comes first though.
It is: 1,999,999
It is: 0 1 2 3 ... etc
V - Think keyboard
about 2 hours
In the traditional counting system, the number that comes before 1 is 0. In mathematics, numbers are typically ordered in a sequence, with each number having a specific position. In this sequence, 0 is considered the number that precedes 1.