1.00 in decimal = 1/1 in fraction
As a rational fraction it is 1/2.As a decimal fraction it is 0.5
there is no such thing as fraction as a decimalthere is no such thing as fraction as a decimal
725 as a decimal and fraction = 725.0 ; 725/1
You have written it as a decimal. As a fraction it is 1/20.
fraction = 1/2 10p/20p = 1/2
1 out of 20 of 200 pound is 10 pound! For it to be 10p it would have to be 1 out of 2000.
10p is 1/20th or 5% of £2.00
To convert pence to pounds, you divide by 100 since there are 100 pence in 1 pound. Therefore, 10p is equal to 0.10 pounds. To find the fraction of 1 pound that 10p represents, you would set up the fraction as 0.10/1. This simplifies to 1/10, so 10p represents 1/10 of a pound.
10p/£2 = 10p/200p = 1/20
thereNO!!! Because you can convert it to a quotient(fraction). However, 1.33333 is a terminal decimal . To indicate it is a decimal to infinity , it is written as 1.33333... Note the use of the 'three or more dots'. 1.33333 Terminal decimal to a fraction is 1 33333/100000 Horrible I know Ugh!!!!! 1.33333... as a decimal to inifinity to a fraction ;- Let P - 1.33333.... Then 10P = 13.33333.... Subtract 9P = 12 ( Note the deciamsl subtract to 'zero' ) P = 12/9 P = 1 3/9 P = 1 1/3 The answer!!!! 0
1.00 in decimal = 1/1 in fraction
Decimal: 0.5 Fraction: 1/2
The fraction 1/8 as a decimal is 0.125
10 of anything is 1/10 or 0.1 of 100 of the same thing.
As a rational fraction it is 1/2.As a decimal fraction it is 0.5