Well, friend, when we look at decimals, we compare them place by place. In this case, 0.43 is bigger than 0.40 because the 4 in 0.43 is in the tenths place, while the 0 in 0.40 is in the hundredths place. Just remember, every decimal has its own special spot, and they all deserve a chance to shine on their own!
The last one.
Suppose you have two decimal numbers, A and B. If A - B > 0 then A is the bigger decimal, if A - B < 0 then B is the bigger decimal and if A - B = 0, neither is bigger.
Repeating decimal. * * * * * It depends on the numbers! For example, 0.6 < 0.66... < 0.67 By the first inequality the repeatiing decimal is bigger, by the second the terminating one is bigger.
You would write forty-three thousandths as: .043.
It is: 0.543 which is the larger decimal
The last one.
4.3% can also be expressed as .043
39 or40
What is 1000times 40
Suppose you have two decimal numbers, A and B. If A - B > 0 then A is the bigger decimal, if A - B < 0 then B is the bigger decimal and if A - B = 0, neither is bigger.
53.125 is bigger than 52.916666.
a bigger decimal
about 20 or40 cheetos
like 59 or40