The larger decimal is 0.10
The decimal 0.792 is two thousandths larger than 0.79.
3.5 is larger.
It is: 0.543 which is the larger decimal
As a percent, .02 is 2 percent. To convert from decimal to percent, you move the decimal point two places to the right. When converting from percent to decimal, you move the decimal point two places to the left.
that's an easy one. its .045. if you divide 4.5 by 100 then that will give you the decimal form of it.
4.5% = 0.045 4.5 = 450%
The larger decimal is 0.10
.02 is larger than .0013
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if the decimal number is smaller than the decimal is larger.
02 is larger than 0013 because leading zeros do not change the value of a number.
.045 x 38 = 1.71
The decimal 0.792 is two thousandths larger than 0.79.