The larger decimal is 0.10
The decimal 0.792 is two thousandths larger than 0.79.
3.5 is larger.
It is: 0.543 which is the larger decimal
31.4/100 = .314
The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.
They are: 1, 2, 11, 22, 137, 274, 1507, 3014.
The larger decimal is 0.10
Don't get cared by the decimal, it's just a point. It means: divide by 10^n where n is the number of digits after the decimal. So in this case, 3.14 means 314 / 10^2 = 314 / 100 so you are actually doing this 314/100 x 4 = 314 x 1/100 x 4. Multiplication is commutative so you might as well do 4 x 314, then divide by 100. So you should get 1256 / 100. To divide by 100, recall what decimal means, it's simply 12.56 :D
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if the decimal number is smaller than the decimal is larger.
The answer varies according to the numerator in the expression. 1/314 = 0.003185 (approx).