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The integers that are usually considered neither prime nor composite are 0 and 1 (and -1 among the negative integers). The number 1 can be described as unity or identity.

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Q: What do you call a number that is neither a prime number nor a composite number?
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Is 30 composite or prime?

30 is composite. A composite number is simply a number that has more factors than 1 and itself. So since 3 times 10 is 30, we can call 30 composite. A prime number is a number whose factors are only 1 times the number, such as 3, 5, 7, 13, and 29.

What do you call one if it is not a prime or composite number?

The property of prime or composite is not defined for the number 1, just as it is not defined for any number that has a fractional part. There are no special names for numbers that are not prime nor composite.

If 1 is neither a prime nor a composite no then what is it?

The number 1 is a unit - "unity" - it is neither prime nor composite.It is a matter of definition. It looks as if 1should be a prime because 1 is only divisible by 1 and itself, but a prime is defined to be a number with exactly two factors - 1 and itself - but 1 has only one factor.In addition, stated positively then, the number 1 is the first, non-zero, natural number.Number one has a unique role as the identity element of multiplication. You might call it that.At one time, 1 was viewed as a prime number, but this can cause problems. For more information, see the Related Question on why 1 is not prime.

What is the highest prime number?

There is no highest prime number. Given any set of prime numbers, you can prove that there is at least one prime number that is not in that set. Here's how. First, recall that every natural number is either a prime number, or is a composite number and thus the product of some series of prime numbers. Now, suppose you have a set of n prime numbers, P1 .. Pn. Multiply them all together and add one. Call this number Q. Q is either prime or composite. If Q is prime, then it is obviously not one of P1 .. Pn, and thus is a new prime number not in that set. If Q is composite, then there must be a list of primes that evenly divide into it. Because Q is one greater than the product of P1 .. Pn, dividing by any of those primes will have a remainder of 1. So there must be some new prime, call it R, that divides evenly into Q. In either case, Q or R is a new prime. Now suppose that you have some potential highest prime. Enumerate all of the primes lower than it, and follow the above procedure with that set of primes. You will end up with a new prime not in that list. Since you have listed all primes less than your purported highest prime, any new prime number must be greater than your highest prime. Thus, there is no highest prime.

How can you draw a flow chart to find out that a given number is prime or composite?

Well, you can create the flowchart to you, but here is the basic outline of what needs to be done. Call your number - the number you want to test - "n". Divide it by each integer in turn, starting with 2, and ending with "n-2". What matters here is the remainder of the division. If at any point you get a remainder of zero, that means you have found a smaller factor, and the number is NOT a prime - it is composite. You can end the process immediately. If you do all the divisions and DON'T get a remainder of zero at any point, there is NO smaller factor, so your number is prime. (To make the process run faster, you can actually stop once your factor is greater than the square root of "n".)

Related questions

What do you call a number that is not a prime number?


What do you call a number that's neither prime or composite?

One.By definition numbers are:prime if they have only 2 distinct factors (namely 1 and the number itself);composite if they have 3 or more distinct factorsThe important thing to note is the word distinct. The number 1 has only 1 distinct factor, namely 1; thus it is neither a prime (the first prime number is 2) nor composite.

What is a composite number that can be exspressed as a product of its?

When a composite number is expressed as the product of its prime factors, we call that the prime factorization.

What do you call a number that isn't a prime number?

composite number

Is 30 composite or prime?

30 is composite. A composite number is simply a number that has more factors than 1 and itself. So since 3 times 10 is 30, we can call 30 composite. A prime number is a number whose factors are only 1 times the number, such as 3, 5, 7, 13, and 29.

What do you call a number with 1 factor a prime or composite?

All numbers, (except 1) have at least two factors: 1 and the number itself. So, there are no numbers, besides 1, with only 1 factor. And 1 is neither prime nor composite.

What do you call a number that is not composite and not prime?

There is no name for such numbers.

What do you call one if it is not a prime or composite number?

The property of prime or composite is not defined for the number 1, just as it is not defined for any number that has a fractional part. There are no special names for numbers that are not prime nor composite.

What do you call number 1 if it is not a prime or composite?

Just "one."

What do you call a number that isn't prime or composite?

There is no specific name for such numbers.

What do you call any whole number greater than 1 that is not a prime number?

A composite number.

What do they call the number 1 if its not a prime or composite number?

1 is a "unit" according to Dr. Math