Nine and seventy-three hundredths.
89.123 in word form is: eighty-nine and one hundred twenty-three thousandths.
Oh, what a happy little question! To write 80 in word form, you simply write: "eighty." Just like painting a beautiful landscape, writing numbers in word form can be a peaceful and soothing experience.
The word form is: thirty and sixty-eight thousandths.
Ah, writing numbers in word form is like painting a happy little tree. To write 5.1 in word form, you simply say "five point one." Just like adding a touch of color to your canvas, turning numbers into words adds a lovely detail to your writing.
Nine and seventy-three hundredths.
Six and fifteen hundredths.
89.123 in word form is: eighty-nine and one hundred twenty-three thousandths.
Twentysix point one five
.73 should be written as 0.73 Then in word form it is 'Zero point seven three'.
花 is what 'flower' looks like. In phonetic form, it's Hana.
2,700,000 = two million, seven hundred thousand.
One hundred nineteen million and three.
4+0.6 Four and six tenths
1.8 = one and eight tenths
花 is how you write it in Japanese. In phonetic form it's 'Hana'
Three hundred sixteen thousand, two hundred thirty-six.