The mean for a single number, such as 6281454562, is the number itself.
If you mean a serial number on some product, it depends on what the product is. Each company can makes serial numbers mean anything they want it too.
twice a number means a number times 2
An international (intl) number is a number that is usually a number that is outside of your country.
It represents the number of tenths in the fractional part of the number.
It's short for "family." Some people call their friends "fam," too.
it means you are as disgusting as a toad
The phone number of the Texas Martial Arts Hall Fam is: 254-662-3229.
It's just short for family.
Means they deleted it, fam
means hello or whats up fam
Fam stands for family as known
Issues - 2012 Fam Fam 1-5 was released on: USA: 5 March 2012
Fam Mob is a gang based in Memphis, Tennessee.
Fam-Lay was born on 1974-05-28.
Malaysia FAM League was created in 1952.
Fam El Hisn's population is 7,089.