A Prime number is a positive whole number (a positive integer) that has exactly two unique positive divisors, 1 and the number itself.
A prime number is a positive integer that has only two factors: one and itself.
Two number are co-prime if there is no whole number other than 1 that divides them both exactly
Did you mean what Mersenne numbers are prime? If a number is a prime, how is it not a prime at the same time? Anyways, M11, or (2^11) - 1, I think is the lowest Mersenne Number Mp that isn't prime, when p is prime. Any Mersenne Number where p is not prime cannot be prime.
If you mean 4 multiplications of 2 then they are the prime factors of 16 because 2222 is not a prime number
A prime number is a number that can only be equally divided by 2 integers 1 and itself
If you mean 314159 then it is a prime number
That depends what you mean with a "young prime number". I believe that is not a common mathematical term.That depends what you mean with a "young prime number". I believe that is not a common mathematical term.That depends what you mean with a "young prime number". I believe that is not a common mathematical term.That depends what you mean with a "young prime number". I believe that is not a common mathematical term.
i think you mean prime? if you do then yes 47 is a prime number
a prime number has only 2 factors
A prime number is a number that can not be divisible by any other number besides one.
Prime numbers have only two factors, one and themselves. The number 5 is prime.
Do you mean a "prime" number? If so, a prime number is a number that can only be divided evenly by itself or the number one.
223 is a prime number. It is only evenly divisible by itself and one.
Do you mean, "How can you easily know whether or not a number is prime?"
To express a composite number as the product of its prime factors.
Semi prime is the number that is obtained after multiplying two prime numbers. It is also known as biprime or pq number.
A prime number is a positive integer that has only two factors: one and itself.