A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction. It tells how many equal parts make up the whole. It also names the fraction, such as "half", "thirds", "fourth", etc. For example: 1/4 - 4 is the denominator and the name of the fraction, one fourth or one quarter. The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. For example, if 3/4 was your fraction, the 4 would be your denominator.
No, one fourth percent isn't equal to 25 percent. One fourth percent = 1/4% = .25% = .0025.
The fraction 5/6 is equal to 0.83 recurring (that is, 0.83333...).The fraction 7/8 is equal to 0.875.Therefore, 7/8 is bigger than 5/6. The difference between the two numbers is 1/24, or one twenty-fourth.
eleven and one fourth
one eighth
one and one fourth = 1 1/4 or 5/4
one-fourth or 1/4
1/4 one fourth
No, but 25% would be equal to a fraction of one-fourth. 20% would be equal to a fraction of one-fifth. So 20.4% would be equal to a fraction closer to one-fifth only slightly bigger. The exact fraction for 20.4% is 204/1000 which when reduced to its simplest form would equal 51/250
The fraction thirteen fourths is equal to three and one-fourth.
The number 25 is equal to the fraction of one fourth or 25 percent.
It is 5/20.
1/4 equals to one forth
That would be 41/4