It is 2/54/10... or 2/5
It is equal to 1
0.33 is equal to 33/100 as a fraction.
fraction that is equal to 1.35 = 135/100 or 27/20
There is no such fraction.
To convert from inches to mm, you must multiply by 25.4.
It is 2/54/10... or 2/5
7 040 yards = 4miles
Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.
It is equal to 1.
416 is an integer and not equal to a fraction.
It's a 327 with cylinders bored .040" over stock.
The volume fraction of a substance is equal to the mole fraction for ideal gas mixture
0.01 is equal to 1/100 in fraction
It is equal to 1
As a fraction 0.9 is equal to 9/10
Expressed in words, this is equal to two million forty thousand eight hundred.