It is equal to 1
0.33 is equal to 33/100 as a fraction.
There is no such fraction.
a fraction that has a numerator equal to the denominator is one: a fraction who's numerator is greater that the denominator is an improper fraction.
16 20 equal to in fraction = 16/20 or 4/5
There are 10mm in 1cm so, 22mm = 2.2cm
Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.
It is equal to 1.
416 is an integer and not equal to a fraction.
The volume fraction of a substance is equal to the mole fraction for ideal gas mixture
0.01 is equal to 1/100 in fraction
It is equal to 1
As a fraction 0.9 is equal to 9/10
An olive is a compression fitting used in plumbing. you would use a 22mm olive. you would use t in conjunction with a 22mm compresion fitting Before you use a 22mm olive make sure the pipe you are using the 22m fitting on IS 22mm and NOT 3/4. If it is 3/4 then you need a 3/4 olive from your merchants but they fit inside a 22mm compression fitting.
1325 is an integer, not a fraction. It is equal to 132500%.
4.3 equal to as a fraction = 43/104.3 * 10/10 = 43/10 in fraction
There is NO fraction that is equal to EVERY fraction.