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2/3 of the states had to approve it before the Constitution became the law of the land. But even then it was only the law of the land for the states that had ratified it..

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Q: What fraction of the states had to approve the Constitution before it became the law of the land?
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What fraction of states must approve an amendment to the Constitution?

3/4 of the states must approve it before it becomes part of the constitution.

How many states approved to the Constitution to make it the law of the land?

it had to be nine states to approve the constitution before it became a law HI

Number of states needed to approve the constitution?

They needed at least 9 of the 13 states to ratify the Constitution before it became official.

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Article VII of the US Constitution required 9 states to ratify it before it became effective.

How many states have to approve the constitution before me it becomes a law?

Two thirds of the states must approve a change to the Constitution before it can go into effect. Since there are currently 50 states, 34 of them must approve any amendment.

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How many states must approve an amendment before the Constitution can be ratified?


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What did many people want added to the constitution before they would approve?

A bill of rights

How many states had to approve the Constitution before it went into affect?

at least 9 states had to agree

What change did the state want before they would approve the constitution?

Protection for citizens' rights(APEX)