To write eight and sixteen hundredths in standard form, you would represent it as 8.16. The whole number 8 represents the whole units, while the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal portion. The decimal portion 0.16 represents sixteen hundredths, with the 1 in the tenths place and the 6 in the hundredths place.
5.68 is the standard form for 5 and 68 hundredths.
forty-five and sixteen hundredths
You write fifty-three hundredths in standard form as 5.3 × 10-1
The standard form is 263.04
Twelve and sixteen hundredths (12.16) in standard form is 1.216 × 101
Eighty-four and sixteen hundredths (84.16) in standard form is: 8.416 × 101
205.16 is 2.0516x102.
Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, your example is written in standard form as: 4.16
To write eight and sixteen hundredths in standard form, you would represent it as 8.16. The whole number 8 represents the whole units, while the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal portion. The decimal portion 0.16 represents sixteen hundredths, with the 1 in the tenths place and the 6 in the hundredths place.
Seven and sixteen hundredths.
Fifty and sixteen hundredths.
Sixteen and eight hundredths
It is 16.04